We are engaged in a variety of efforts to take responsibility for the influences of our organizational activities on society. We aim to be a company that contributes to the community and keeps growing with all stakeholders.
Work Style Reform (improvement of employment environment)
We create a working environment where all employees engage in their tasks with pride and passion and can realize their full potential. By utilizing different values and ideas, we energize our organization to further improve customer satisfaction (CS).
Youth Yell
We have been certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with the Youth Employment Promotion Act as a company that is active in employment and cultivation of young people and has an excellent state of employment management for young people.
We have been certified by the Aichi Labour Bureau in accordance with the Work Style Reform Law as a company that realizes an attractive workplace and works to improve the working environment and treatment of employees.
We support the measures of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for our aging society and are working to establish a working environment where employees can achieve a balance between work and caregiving.
Work Style Reform
We support the purpose of the Change! JPN campaign promoted by the Cabinet Office and are working to promote work style reform through our participation in this campaign.
Positive Off (campaign to encourage workers to take holidays)
We support the Positive Off movement promoted by the Japan Tourism Agency in cooperation with the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and strive to create a working environment that makes it easy for employees to take holidays.
Sport in Life
We are registered as a member of the Sport in Life Consortium promoted by the Japan Sports Agency to support our athletes and realize a “society in which playing sports is a part of our lifestyles.”
Smart Life Project
We are registered as a member of the Smart Life Project, a national movement led by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare that aims for all people to be able to lead healthy, happy lives right up to the end of life under the slogan of “Let’s increase our healthy life spans.”
Promotion of Women’s Empowerment
We strive to create a system that ensures that female employees can continue to work throughout their lives without any concerns. We will maintain a return rate of 100% from maternity leave and childcare leave and continue to expand our measures for career support after employees return from leaves.
Aichi Women’s Empowerment Company
We have been certified by the governor of Aichi Prefecture in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace as a company that actively engages in efforts such as the issuance of statements from top management and expansion of employment.
Aichi Women’s Empowerment Promotion Leader
From among the members of the Aichi Women’s Empowerment Companies, we have been commissioned by the governor of Aichi Prefecture to be a leader in making efforts for women’s empowerment and promotion of the utilization of prefectural policies.
Company Promoting Women’s Empowerment in Nagoya City
We have been certified by the mayor of Nagoya in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace as a company that makes efforts to ensure that female employees can take on active roles in their work.
Support for Women’s Empowerment
We support the measures of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to realize substantial equalization of treatment of men and women and are working to establish a working environment where female employees can fully demonstrate their capabilities.
Childcare Support
We support parents who raise children while working. We will cooperate with the community and contribute to urban development in which people can support each other, and we will aim to be a more childcare-friendly company.
Family Friendly Company
We have been registered by the Aichi Labour Bureau in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children as a company that actively works to achieve balance between work and family life, including childcare, caregiving, and community activities.
Company Supporting Promotion of Parental Education in Nagoya City
We are registered with the Nagoya City Board of Education as a company working on promotion of parental education and are planning a variety of efforts, events, and other activities to express our thanks to the family members who support our employees.
Company Supporting Healthy Parents and Children 21
We are registered as a supporting member of the national Healthy Parents and Children 21 movement, in which related organizations, companies, groups and people work together under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to realize a society ensuring healthy growth of all children.
Ikumen Project
We are registered in accordance with the Child Care and Family Care Leave Law as a company supporting the Ikumen Project promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and we strive to create a working environment that makes it easy for male employees to take childcare leave.
We are registered as a supporting company of the Orange Ribbon Movement to Prevent Child Abuse, which aims to create a society that is free of child abuse and childcare friendly in accordance with the Orange Ribbon Charter.
Efforts for the Global Environment
Recognizing that efforts for environmental issues are essential for corporate activities and survival, we will take actions voluntarily and proactively and strive to raise the awareness of all employees.
Nagoya City Eco Office
Our office has been certified by the mayor of Nagoya as an office that voluntarily and proactively takes measures that are friendly to the global environment in our corporate activities.
Based on the Paris Agreement, an international framework for global warming measures, we are participating in the national COOL CHOICE campaign promoted by the government and led by the Ministry of the Environment
Fun to Share
We support the Fun to Share Campaign led by the Ministry of the Environment to share the latest know-how and technologies among various areas, groups, and companies in order to realize a low-carbon society.
Plastic Smart
We participate in the Plastic Smart Forum led by the Ministry of the Environment in cooperation with the UN to solve the problem of marine plastic waste, which is generated in large amounts throughout the world every day.
2020 TDM Promotion Project
We support and have been registered for the joint project of Tokyo, the Cabinet Secretariat, and the Organizing Committee to mitigate traffic congestion during the Olympic Games in order to realize both smooth provision of transportation services for the Tokyo Olympic Games and stability of urban activities.
Customer Satisfaction
We provide reliable service and support with our professional technological capabilities, sincerity, and consideration. Through our solutions, we aim to become a company that is always trusted, with it our pleasure to make customers smile or impress them.
We support the purpose of SECURITY ACTION, a system under which companies declare that they will work on information security measures. We have made such a declaration and have been registered by the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) of Japan as a company that promotes the spread of this system.
Smart SME Supporter
We have been certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in accordance with the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Business Enhancement Act as an IT vendor that can provide guidance and advice concerning the utilization of IT to small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as others, that seek to improve their productivity.
We are registered as a promotion partner of the FOOD ACTION NIPPON initiative led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to increase the consumption of domestic agricultural, forestry and fishery products. In this way, we support our customers—Japanese farmers.